cafeteria plan — cafeˈteria ˌplan noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES a system in which an employee can choose which Benefits they receive from a company, for example medical insurance or child care, up to a certain total amount of money * * * cafeteria plan UK US… … Financial and business terms
cafeteria plan — n. A fringe benefit plan that allows employees to choose from a range of benefits, selecting them according to individual needs. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.… … Law dictionary
Cafeteria plan — A cafeteria plan is a type of employee benefit plan offered in the United States pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Its name comes from the earliest such plans that allowed employees to choose between different types of… … Wikipedia
Cafeteria Plan — An employee benefit plan that allows staff to choose from a variety of benefits to formulate a plan that best suits their needs. Cafeteria plan options may include health and accident insurance, cash benefits, tax advantages and/or retirement… … Investment dictionary
cafeteria plan — Benefit package that allows employee choice. ► “Since image is everything these days, someone came up with the idea of using the term ‘cafeteria plan’ to describe a new way to sell employees on a substantially reduced benefits program.”… … American business jargon
cafeteria plan — cafeter′ia plan n. a fringe benefit plan under which employees may choose from among various benefits those that best fit their needs up to a specified dollar value • Etymology: 1985–90 … From formal English to slang
cafeteria plan — a fringe benefit plan under which employees may choose from among various benefits those that best fit their needs up to a specified dollar value. [1985 90] * * * … Universalium
cafeteria plan — Type of fringe benefit plan whereby employee, in addition to receiving certain basic fringe benefits, is permitted to also select and structure certain other types of benefits up to a specified dollar amount … Black's law dictionary
cafeteria plan — Type of fringe benefit plan whereby employee, in addition to receiving certain basic fringe benefits, is permitted to also select and structure certain other types of benefits up to a specified dollar amount … Black's law dictionary
cafeteria plan — a fringe benefit plan under which employees may choose from among various benefits those that best fit their needs up to a specified dollar value. [1985 90] … Useful english dictionary